Angelina Jolie Makeup Tutorial- Secret tip for Black Liquid Eyeliner!
Video Comments: from fresjane This is the closest angelina-jolie-tutorial that I've ever seen. As easy as 1-2-3! Thank you for sharing, Nancy! ü I'm a professional Makeup Artist wanting teach women around the world how to put makeup on correctly. Everyone can look beautiful! This is one of my favorite looks made famous by Bridgette Bardot, and then decades later by Angelina Jolie. Let me know what you think! Nancy Sea Siler xx

Taikou Risshiden IV 太閤立志伝IV - Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉gameplay part 2
Taikou Risshiden is the Free roaming rpgs series of the Nobunaga's Ambition games. Romance of the three Kingdoms VII,VIII, & X are all streamlined watered down versions of these games. I'm actually playing as Hideyoshi back when he was known as Kinoshita. I'm still in the process of making it back home to Nene. It's just that there's so much to do in this game that I keep getting side tracked. To the point that I only had five coins left to give Nene her allowance. I almost died when I unsuccessfully tried to rob a merchant. Thankfully his body guard spare me.

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Cynthia Rowley - Hide and Seek
Fashion designer Cynthia Rowley's short film featuring her Spring 2010 collection, created in collaboration with Partners & Spade and Red Bucket Films.