Chloe "Summer"
Find out what Chloe is up to this Summer! Written and performed by Drew Droege, Directed by Jim Hansen with Jesse James Rice
JR東海117系 新快速 走行音 金山-大府 【HD対応】
唯一の上り新快速、米原発岡崎行き2306Fに、乗車してみました。 金山-大府間16.2kmを、この日は11分、表定速度88.4kmで走行したので、MT54モーターは唸りっぱなしでした。 117 series from Kanayama to Oobu.
直木賞に佐々木譲さんら2作品 芥川賞は該当作なし(10/01/15)
第142回の直木賞に、佐々木譲さん(59)の「廃墟に乞う」と白石一文さん(51)の「ほかならぬ人へ」が選ばれました。芥川賞は、該当作がありませんでした。 ・・・記事の続き、その他のニュースはコチラから! [テレビ朝日ANN NEWS]
満島ひかりとステファニーのデュエットシーン : 1
祝!第34回報知映画賞・新人賞受賞! 祝!第31回ヨコハマ映画祭 最優秀新人賞受賞! 映画「プライド」より。元フォルダー5の満島ひかり、歌うまし!映画「愛のむきだし」も必見。 Song from Japanese movie "Pride". Hikari ( Yoko from Love Exposure ) singing as solo first time in her career ( she was mostly dancing in Folder 5 , and never had a chance to be a main singer ). In Japan,. many people were suprised to see her singing very well in this movie. Her acting is great , but I was pretty much suprised to see her singing very well, and after watching "Love Exposure" I was more suprised !!!
遊☆戯☆王5D's タッグフォース 5 (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 5)
The long awaited Tag force 5 has -almost- finally came
A newly released DVD featuring a detailed analysis of both official and leaked documents provides a compelling case that President Kennedy's efforts to declassify UFO files was a direct factor in his assassination. The DVD is a video recording of Dr Michael Salla's presentation at the 7th Annual UFO Crash Retrieval Conference on November 7, 2009. Dr Salla reveals that there were three critical periods concerning President Kennedy's efforts to gain access to classified UFO files. The first began in February 1961 with Kennedy's Executive Order to place psychological warfare programs under the control of his national security team.The second period then began and involved Kennedy using his authority as Commander in Chief to learn what he could about UFOs and extraterrestrial life, while being denied access to UFO files by MJ-12 and the counterintelligence (CI) branch of the CIA. The third and most critical period began on September 20, 1963 when President Kennedy gave a speech at the UN General Assembly calling for joint space and lunar missions with the USSR. Part 2 of 7
嵐ジェット 初フライト @大阪伊丹空港
嵐Jetの初フライト 羽田 → 大阪伊丹空港行き JAL119便の着陸から、羽田行きJAL124便の離陸までを撮影しました。着陸は伊丹スカイパークから、離陸は空港展望デッキからです、 480pでご覧ください。