The Gathering - Marooned

The Gathering - Marooned

The Gathering Live
RT @JalaladDinRumi: A candle as it diminishes explains, Gathering more and more is not the way. Burn, become light and heat and help. Melt.

@seoyoung_B2UTY ya... actually during the gathering... i was thinking if we can discuss that with everybody??

May go out and look for a place to get totally....have a social gathering. This has the potential to be an epic win...that or a fail ^_^

@DaroDony from b2stsg? hmm.. we can starts during the gathering?!

@6urbz @emma_salari Hey I'm only watching so I can tease him during the weekend @ the family gathering.. U guys a free to switch the channel

Didn't plan on the spring showers? We have you covered.. literally.. tents and covers of all sizes for your outdoor gathering this week.

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