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Dysthymia Classics | Sir Anthony Hopkins' Walz - Walzer

Dysthymia Classics | Sir Anthony Hopkins' Walz - Walzer

Dysthymia Classics | Sir Anthony Hopkins' Walz - Walzer Welturaufführung des von Sir Anthony Hopkins vor 50 Jahren komponierten Walzers bei André Rieu in Wien im Sommer 2011. Worldpremiere of a walz composed by Sir Anthony Hopkins 50 years ago, within a great show of André Rieu in Vienna in summer 2011. Actor Anthony Hopkins has written music for many years, but the 'Thor' co-star composed his latest piece, "And The Waltz Goes On," with Rieu specifically in mind to perform it. André Rieu was so enthusiastic about the work that he immediately set plans in motion to record it, reportedly moving Hopkins' wife to tears during the initial performance of the tune. "I've been a great admirer of Andre Rieu for several years. He's a great musician. My wife and I had the same dream of meeting him one day, so I've send him some music that I wrote. It's a dream come true for me that Andre performed it with his orchestra. I'm totally knocked out by the result. It's even more than I expected!" says Anthony Hopkins about his cooperation with André Rieu. The waltz will be on Rieu's new album and will be performed by Rieu while on tour in the USA, Canada and Mexico this fall.
Anthony Hopkins lookin . I'm terrified! Minus the puerto ricon t shirt

I bet Anthony Hopkins knows RT @guyinpink: How can you as a specialty butcher not understand what it means to butterfly a chicken breast?

#QQRR (1991) Jodie Foster y Anthony Hopkins juntos en...

The Silence Of The Lambs RT @RetroReto: #QQRR (1991) Jodie Foster y Anthony Hopkins juntos en...

So did Anthony Hopkins

I love life because what more is there. Anthony Hopkins

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