Nine inch nails - closure teaser
DVD盤『Closure』のティーザー。 NINの1995年のツアーとビデオ・クリップを収録、更に1997年にVHSでリリースされたものにボーナス・フッテージが収録される予定であった。 2004年にトレント・レズナーがNothing Recordsを離脱、それに伴いお蔵入りとなった。

奥田美和子 ブランコに揺れて
奥田みわ【ブランコに揺れて-buranko ni yurete】Swung with the swing Composition:コイケタカヒロ Takahiro Koike Lyrics:柳美里 Miri Yuu Singer: 奥田美和子 Miwako Okuda dare mo inai jyuuichigatsu no kouende だれもいない11月の公園でAt the park of November without people buranko ni yurete ブランコに揺れてSwung with the swing mukidashi no yoru no naka 剥き出しの夜のなかIn the bare night tsuki akari de watashi no kage ga yureta 月明かりでわたしの影が揺れたMy shadow swung by moonlight watashi wa me wo tojite yureta わたしは目を閉じて揺れたI swung with closed eyes poketto niwa kamisori ポケットには剃刀There is a razor in my pocket tekubi wo kitta 手首を切ったSlashed my wrist buranko ni yurare nagara ブランコに揺られながらAs I was swung with the swing ittri kitari 行ったり来たりBack and forth yurari yura yura yurari... ゆらぁり ゆら ゆら ゆらぁり・・・ Swiiing Swing Swing Swiiing... ikiteiru no? 生きているの? Be alive? shindeiru no? 死んでいるの? Be dead? ikitetai no? 生きてたいの? Want to live? shinitai no? 死にたいの? Want to die? yurari yura yurari ゆらぁり ゆら ゆらぁりSwiiing Swing Swiiing yura yura yurari ゆら ゆら ゆらぁりSwing Swing Swiiing yurari yura yurari... ゆらぁり ゆら ゆらぁり・・・ Swiiing Swing Swiiing... dare mo inai sangatsu no umi de だれもいない3月の海でAt the sea of March without people nami ni ashi wo hitashite 波に足を浸してBathed my feet in the waves mukidashi no yoru no naka 剥き出しの夜のなかIn the bare night nami ni watashi no kage ga nomikomareta 波に ...

Chocolate Underground الحلقة 4
الإسم : بالعـربية : شوكولاته تحت الأرض . بالإنجليزية : Chocolate Underground . باليابانية : チョコレート・アンダーグラウンド . زورونا في منتدى الإبداااع www.last-d2.com

三共 「パチスロ時空要塞マクロス」 11/14販売 あのマクロスがART機となって帰って来た! 【お断り】 この動画の無断転載を禁じます。 また動画の音量調節は行っておりませんので御注意下さい。

Best Unknown SNES Game EVER -- BS Out of Bounds Golf (gameplay + tricks)
Here it is, folks. Arguably THE finest "unknown" SNES game ever. BS Out of Bounds Golf is sadly widely unknown, and even sadder -- the game never came out. One can only hope one day someone (SFT, Brandon Cobb and friends??) will release it proper. I have no doubt if that happens, it will be a runaway smash hit within the retro gaming/SNES community. It's 4 player mini golf! It's delightfully evil, and endlessly playable. In this video I show you the final course of the game, #48, followed by FOUR DIFFERENT ways to score from the same position on the golf course. Video ends with a Hole In One shot. For full review please refer to www.RVGFANATIC.com Spread the word on this game -- it's been obscure for FAR TOO LONG! It deserves to be played, to be loved, and to be lionized. Here's hoping one day, somehow, BS OUT OF BOUNDS GOLF will finally see the light of day. Alright, enough rambling -- back to teeing off along the Milky Way! :D PS- It's so unknown and obscure that this is actually the VERY FIRST video anyone's put up of the game on YouTube. That's pretty crazy, considering there is EVERY video game ever made represented on YouTube these days in one fashion or another. It is my hope that 1). This game will now get the recognition it so richly deserves and that 2). If we're so lucky, one day someone will release this proper!