フサイチパンドラ繰上げ優勝。カワカミプリンセスまさかの降着... 12.5 - 10.6 - 11.7 - 11.3 - 11.3 - 12.2 - 12.5 - 12.8 - 13.0 - 11.5 - 12.0

カクテル日本一目指す 全国バーテンダー技能競技大会 2009
■記事全文はこちら www.asahi.com プロのバーテンダーがカクテル作り日本一を目指して腕を競う「全国バーテンダー技能競技大会」(日本バーテンダー協会主催)が09年6月7日、東京・新宿であり、銀座のバーに勤める田畑道崇(みちたか)さんが優勝した。 ※「Channel ASAHI」にアップロードされている動画の改ざんや、朝日新聞社の許可なく商用・営利目的で利用することを禁じます。

KshrHrk - Sorairo no MELODY 1988
My old record player playing a Manga LP. 空色のメロディ~大好きなグリーンフィールド"Sky-blue Melody -My dear Green Field-" by KasaharaHiroko LP [Sorairo no MELODY] B-1 (1988/03/10) oka no ue kara miwataseba dokomade hirogaru midori aoi sora Hachi to atashi yoroshiku ne kyou kara daisuki na GREEN FIELD nukeru youna aozora kara MELODY kokoro sukitooru youna... papa to mama mou inai kedo atashi to Hachi to ojiichan nanimokamo ga korekara ne kyou kara daisuki na GREEN FIELD itsudemo atashi wo yasashiku tsutsunde kitto genki ni naru kara namida nante mou iranai samishii kimochi ni nattara oka wo kakete yuku wa ano sora ni mukatte mune ni itsudemo hikatteru papa to mama ni moratta aoi PENDANT sotto atashi wo mimamotte ne kyou kara daisuki na GREEN FIELD atashi no mawari no minna ga kirakira to itsumo kagayaite iru no daisuki na atashi no GREEN FIELD atashi no GREEN FIELD ====================== Lyric by Mizusawa Megumi Music by Ta/ni/ya/ma/Hi/ro/ko Arrangement by Ishii AQ

Michelle Branch - "Goodbye To You" Official Music Video
© 2006 WMG Michelle Branch - "Goodbye To You" Official Music Video www.michellebranch.com

"Keep Your Sunny Side Up! "(Johnny Hamp, 1929)
Johnny Hamp with vocalist Joe Cassidy and the Kentucky Serenaders in a positive-thinking ditty from 1929, "Keep Your Sunny Side Up!" The tune had been introduced by Janet Gaynor in an early Hollywood talkie a few months before this recording. Words and music by BG DeSylva, Lew Brown and Ray Henderson. Introduced by Janet Gaynor in the film "Sunny Side Up." Sung by Sheree North in the 1956 film "The Best Things in Life Are Free." Keep your sunny side up, up! Hide the side that gets blue. If you have nine sons in a row, Baseball teams make money, you know! Keep your funny side up, up! Let your laughter come thru, do! Stand upon your legs, be like two fried eggs, Keep your sunny side up!