Platonic Chain ep 3
While waiting for Rika's new boyfriend (who happens to have the same name as all of Rika's previous boyfriends) to show up at the cafe, she reveals her method of meeting guys to Hitomi.
殺されかけたんだよ。 こいつら検事が小堀氏に対してしたことは業務上過失致傷、殺人未遂、名誉毀損、脅迫罪に相当する。 検事を刑事告訴すべきである。 前田恒彦以外にも逮捕すべき検事は多数存在する。 捏造でっち上げは大阪地検の十八番最上層部が裏金維持のため大阪高検公安部長三井環氏をやくざに協力してもらい逮捕起訴務所にぶち込んだ。 末端のカス前田レベルにモラルがあるわけがない。 上から下まで腐りきった犯罪組織それが大阪地検なのである。
3月11日に東北地方太平洋沖地震が発生してから8日がたちました。 15日に義援金が始まったので、僕も参加します! 寄付する金は590円と少ないですが、被災者の為にも協力します! 皆さんは、寄付とかされてますか?コメントお願いします。
X - The Once Over Twice
X is anAmerican punk rock band, formed in Los Angeles, California in 1977. While they achieved only limited mainstream success, they were widely considered one of the most revered of Los Angeles' many punk bands. Formed as part of the first wave of American punk, their 1980 debut record Los Angeles resonated with the citizens of the city that it is named after to the extent that the band received an Official Certificate of Recognition from the City of Los Angeles in acknowledgment of their contributions to Los Angeles music and culture. They were influential on various genres of music, including punk and folk rock. Original members were Exene Cervenka (born Christine Cervenkova, vocals), John Doe (born John Duchac, bass and vocals), Billy Zoom (born Tyson Kindell, guitar) and DJ Bonebrake (born Donald J. Bonebrake, drums). After Zoom retired from the band, Tony Gilkyson replaced him on guitar. Zoom reunited with X in 1998. The original line-up tours after having reunited in the early 2000s. Their first four albums had a hard-driving sound that occasionally flirted with rockabilly and blues; one critic suggests that X "were not just one of the greatest punk bands, but one of the greatest live rock acts of all time." By the time of their fifth album, Ain't Love Grand!, the band had taken a more mainstream hard rock-oriented direction, and began to appear on shows such as American Bandstand. X, however, had previously appeared on television for a 1984 performance on Late ...
<ノーベル物理学賞2008> ノーベル物理学賞に南部陽一郎氏ら日本人3人に スウェーデン王立科学アカデミーは7日、08年のノーベル物理学賞を、南部陽一郎・米シカゴ大名誉教授、小林誠・高エネルギー加速器研究機構名誉教授、益川敏英・京都大名誉教授の日本人3人に贈ると発表した。日本人のノーベル賞受賞は02年の小柴昌俊氏(物理学賞)、田中耕一氏(化学賞)以来6年ぶり。 ノーベル賞はダイナマイトを発明したアルフレッド・ノーベル(1833~96)にちなんだ賞。遺産を、人類の生活向上や平和に大きな貢献をした者に国籍にかかわりなく賞として与える、という内容の遺言が見つかったことがきっかけで1901年に始まった。日本人は49年に湯川秀樹氏が物理学賞を受賞したのが最初。