Hurriganes - Get On

Hurriganes - Get On

Huriganes: Remu Aaltonen: Vocals, Drums Cisse Häkkinen: Bass, Backing Vocals Albert Järvinen: Guitar
Just cleaned my pearls, they looking near deadstock again... They might not get no love til 2013 #sneakerhead

It's Friday, Friday, Gotta Get Down On Friday, Everybody's looking foward to the weekend, weekend, but which seat can I TAKEE !

why can't we all just get along?!

When Duke loses I get phone calls and text messages from friends and family who never hit me up...

@hobrich87 do I get to see this bad hair cut tomorrow??

Lisa's routine: Get dressed for work, come in my room, get some perfume (has a whole collection of her own), puts on her bracelet, *exits*

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