ザ・サークル それぞれの秋・清水 高石ともや巡礼歌 The Circle
The Circle forms in Japanese country Mie Prefecture in 1973高石ともやさんの最近のアルバム 33か所巡礼歌の16番 京都 清水寺の歌津市東京タワーでナターシャセブンやブルーグラスの好きな仲間の集まりで演奏homepage2.nifty.com 20090923193318+0013
(西山茉希)Nishiyama Maki in 2008.08 C##C##TV x マキ的「愛の栄養」ナビ (Part II of II)
Nishiyama Maki in 2008.08 C##C##TV x マキ的「愛の栄養」ナビ (Part II of II) ...
Wild Card [ワイルドカード] Game Sample - WonderSwan Color
Original Air Date: July 01st, 2009 Another day, another video or two or three or... who knows? Anyway, while Squaresoft made numerous ports of their popular titles to the WonderSwan, they did make a few original games as well, and Wild Card, like many Squaresoft titles, is not short of the nuances that make many Square games popular nor is it short of innovations. However, this game is clearly one of a love/hate nature. Do you like games that give you complete control of your characters? Do you like the SaGa series and its free-roaming ways? Did you hate games like Unlimited SaGa where luck played as much of a factor as skill? If you answered yes to any of those, then you'll want to keep your distance from this one. Wild Card is all about the luck of the draw, and just about everything is done in card-style. The characters are in cards, you make decisions with cards, you travel with cards, even the amount of time you spend in towns can be attributed to a deck of cards (you have limited town time). Not only that, but you have a wide margin between success and failure. The game is more about accepting quests and finding secrets than actual storytelling, so the game is story-lite. The gameplay is simple enough to grasp but it does offer some degree of flexibility. Starting the game, you answer a questionnaire that determines who your main character will be. From there, you can go to town to take up quests and get characters, who appear at different locations at random ...
放送室in 武道館01of12
史上最大の公開録音 2003年12月27日祝 松本人志 単独コント番組「松本人志のコント MHK」 浜田雅功 9年ぶりに連続ドラマ主演「検事・鬼島平八郎」 高須光聖 オリジナルDVD「ドキュメンタリーハイ」3巻同時発売!
【MAD】とある魔術の禁書目録OP To Aru Majutsu no Index Bridge
米倉千尋さん『Bridge』 御坂かわええのうww 微妙なデキのMADですがお時間があれば見ていってください。