Tarzan and His Mate

Tarzan and His Mate

*** JUST ONE ORIGINAL TARZAN - WEISSMULLER!!! *** In the first sequel to Tarzan, the Ape Man, Harry Holt returns to Africa to head up a large ivory expedition. This time he brings his womanizing friend Marlin Arlington. Holt also harbors ideas about convincing Jane to return to London. When Holt and Arlington show Jane some of the modern clothes and perfumes they brought from civilization, she is impressed but not enough to return. Tarzan wrestles every wild animal imaginable to protect Jane but when he disallows the expedition from plundering ivory from the elephant burial grounds, it is he who takes a bullet from Arlingtons gun. Jane eventually believes that Tarzan is dead but he is nursed back to health by the apes. As Jane and the returning expedition are attacked by violent natives, we wonder if Tarzan can rescue them yet again.
RT @h_walker1: I still have my Pink Ladies jacket & Louis has his T-Bird one x

@Ohsofly11 shout out my bff did call me yet but his ass tweeting on twitter.. Hmm

Watched my baby at the daycare take his first steps today :) That made my day <3

Asked about July 1st coming up, Bieksa gets that classic smirk on his face. "You know my agent's number well, you can ask him about it"

@SmileLikeJamie Yeah i love his youtube videos have you seen the lipsinging one???

He Highly UpSET Cause Im Messin Up His SONG Lls This Is Funny Ayeee D.C.W Uu GUHHH Lls Sikeee

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