MHF 突然の襲撃、「黒レイア」 Pt1/2

MHF 突然の襲撃、「黒レイア」 Pt1/2

アンノウン! When doing other quests (盾蟹の衝撃【上位】 AND 盾蟹の衝撃【変種】 in this case) you'll have a SMALL % to have this black reia invade it. Normally, on those 2 quests, you spawn randomly in desert, during the day. In the case reia is there, your whole PT will spawn in BC, and it'll be night. A little difference between those 2 quests though. If reia invades: 盾蟹の衝撃【上位】 > It'll be Repel only 盾蟹の衝撃【変種】 > It'll be Kill only, SubA: Make enough dmg, SubB: Cut tail This is the only way to fight this new reia subspecies (even though i doubt it is a sub, since she has moves coming from many different other monsters, like guren :p) Breakin parts / Cutting tail is VERY hard, and i think after every break she gets stronger (more dmg and faster i think?) There arent many infos about it yet. Me, Tofu and 2 other guys fighting this. Will we kill it? :s ========================== Edit: Well, looks like they found other quests where she can appear ^^ Confirmed so far: - プーギー大全・黒白青紫桜 (HR51 Pugi Cuff Quest) - 鉱脈を呼ぶ秘法? (HR31 Aminotaito Quest, Kill 1 chachabu) - 大自然の声を聴け【森林】 (HR100 Quest, Kill 40 Hornets - personally tested ^^) Looks like, for now, she can appear on these quests only. Also, these are Frontier quests, so they change weekly :p Edit2: Sooo looks like she can actually appear on ANY HighRank quest taking place in the areas where this reia can be, which are the followings: 森丘 (FnH), 砂漠 (Desert), 密林 (Jungle), 樹海 ...
F.2で実装されたホルクを友人に説明する際に、間違ってオトモガブラスって答えちゃったーけど、それで納得されました。はいw #MHF

@nunu_mhf おはようございます(つω-`).。oO

TWやらな!と言いつつ、MHFと同時起動出来ないからついついMHFの方をやってしまう件について。課金が丁度後一週間… どうしようかのぅ(´д`;) 剛種武器は貰いたいからもう一ヶ月課金は決まってるようなものか←

#MHF ついにMHFに手を出してしまったwFオリジナルの敵と土地が楽しい…w

"@MHF_ikarous: لو أن قربك والوصل .. بـ التمني.. مآ غبت عن عيني كثر مآ أتمنآك.."

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