カノン for pc, Mai's graduation

カノン for pc, Mai's graduation

The ending for pc 4/13/08 edit: (Here's the english translation of the graduation part...) As I expected there were a staggering number of people. Yuichi: Holy smokes! Might be hard to find them... Sayuri: Ah Yuichi! Soon a voice came from my back. When I turn there is Sayuri's habitual smile. Yuiichi: Ha...am I just in time? I let leek a sigh of relief. Sayouri: Is it alright? Sayouri: If you didn't come soon, we would have been waiting a while. Yuiichi: Haha, I couldn't keep Japan's leading actress waiting. Sayouri: Am I that leading actress? Yuuichi: Ouu! Sayouri: Ahaha, that's somewhat embarrassing. Yuiichi: Then from here on you are the daughter of a nobleman. Sayouri: Understood. Thereupon I took her hand for guidance. Yuuichi: Well then shall we go my princess? Sayouri: Yes. Poka! Someone karate chops the back of my head. That silent penetration was... Sayouri: The real daughter of a nobleman has come on stage. With this I have just a supporting role. Yuuuichi: Yo Mai. Turning to face her is Mai standing up. Mai: I was just trying to put you in place. Yuuichi: Yes were you jealous? Mai: That's not the kind of reason... Mai: I didn't want you to leave without me. I only have so many reasons. Mai: Moreover, I also want to go to the zoo. Yuuichi: Really? And no other kinds of reasons? Sayouri: There's no reason for Yuuichi to scold Mai. Sayouri: Because I'm not going to steal Mai's Yuuichi. Poka! This time Mai chops Sayouri's face. Yuuichi: If you have that kind of ...
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