レムリアに捧ぐ - Ever17 Xbox 360 OP Kokomi (Download)

レムリアに捧ぐ - Ever17 Xbox 360 OP Kokomi (Download)

The OP for the Ever17 360 remake. MP3 Download Link: www.4shared.com
@Aaeru_ A decent read but why on Earth is Type Moon not mentioned? And Clannad came out after Ever17 and took longer with a lower impact.

@Aadd9_exk EVER17?

@KumaKaori Hmm, Ever17 huh... okay, I'll make a note of it.

ファミ通コミッククリアのEver17マンガ版読んだんだが、コズミッシャー・ヴァルがものっそい高性能になってる件について。何だよ、潜水艇って。お前ただの鯨の模型?なだけじゃなかったのかよ。 #Ever17

@Hatsuu hmmm, a copy of ever17 from hirameki has been collecting dust on my shelf for like a decade... need more free time ;_;

@BrionFoulke after 999 please find and play Ever17... >.< Pretty please.

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