Santa Island-Hawaiian Style Christmas Song - Na Leo
Santa Island-Hawaiian Style Christmas Song - Na Leo

Album"Na Leo Christmas Gift2(2001)" Happy song(^o^)丿Come with me, let me show you hurry now and don't be late Grab your shorts and bring your sunscreen, cause the North Pole this sure 'aint Let's all go to Santa Island in the middle of the sea Sandy shores on Santa Island see him jogging on the beach No more snow on Santa Island he don't need to wear a coat Warm lagoons on Santa Island look there goes a Santa float Ooh, Santa Island, Ooh Ooh, Santa Island, Ooh Hanging with my shades on laughing at the sky While the littele Mrs.bakes banana pie Rudplph and his homies playing sandy games It's July so I aint gonna call their names Let's all go to Santa Island throw your winter boots away Take a nap on Santa Island in your hammock swing all day Its not cold on Santa Island feel the sand between your toes Santa loves his Santa Island "its my favorite place to go" Ooh, Santa Island, Ooh Ooh, Santa Island, Ooh
ハワイアン ナレオを聞きながら帰宅中。 癒される!!!
「あたしは、サロンの女将のルイーズさんなの。ナレオはあたしになついてくれてる。この間なんか、ラクジー君を誘って、食器洗うの手伝ってくれた。一人じゃ大変でしょうから……って言ってね。あんないい子に、あたしみたいな母親が名乗り出られるわけないじゃない」 ルイーズ 【小説 幻水4 下】
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