Extreme Trainsurfer

Extreme Trainsurfer

Preformed by a German known as "the trainrider". Before he died from leukemia, he enjoyed the last year of his life by surfing on trains. Included Germany's fastest Highspeed train ICE with a top speed of 330 km/h(!) No one did that before. Never to be forgotten RIP Music: 1) Enya - Caribbean Blue 2) Roxette - Wish I Could Fly 3) Bob Dylan - Knockin' On Heaven's Door
RT @FreaksAndTweets: Deep penetration in the vagina is for extreme pleasure, but clitoral stimulation gives a woman the best orgasm.

RT @NakedAxiom: I used to consider myself a moderately conservative liberal but, the more extreme the Right becomes, the farther to the Left I'm pushed. #p2

RT @WADaft: 「スーパームーンとは、太陽、月、地球が一直線になり、地球にもっとも近づくこと。3:10に満月になり、その1時間後の4時9分に月が最も地球に近いところを通過。19年ぶりに地球と月の距離が最短距離なことからExtreme Super Moon(エクストラ・スーパームーン)と呼ばれる」

RT @FreaksAndTweets: Deep penetration in the vagina is for extreme pleasure, but clitoral stimulation gives a woman the best orgasm.

just finished my extreme workout ..... PLAYING just dance 2 hahaha but im serious its a good workout!!! :D

surprised about gr8 support 2 VS and extreme hatred to Pinaray by ppl of all walks of life in Kerala.Pinaray and gang will eat dust one day

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