Fat Cat

Fat Cat

Those last few kibbles might have gotten between Goliath and a clean escape. But after weeks of stealing food from a Gresham garage, the flabby tabby found himself stuck — head and shoulders outside the doggie door, gut and tail inside. The homeowner helped dislodge the sweet, playful 20.2-pound cat, kindly gave him a good meal, then delivered him Wednesday to the Oregon Humane Society, where he awaits his owner or a new adoptive personal chef.
RT @BitchImRozay_: #PutHoeInTheTitle My Big Fat Hoe ; Big Fat Hoe (Big Fat Liar)

Fat girls wud giv it up quicker cuz dey gets no love

Weds night @dinner, John's gmom told me "John made the right choice." #winning! Wonder how his fat ex would feel bout that. ;) @brandeeshiff

There is no such thing as big boned!!! Just say you're a fat mofo!!!

@ISAFgirl13 lol yea! Just as happy as i can be being big fat n pregnant n cnt sleep lol but other thn tht

#lollllllllllllzzzz fat bitches get love too.. #tootedanbooted

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