Interpretation of Bullet For My Valentine

Interpretation of Bullet For My Valentine

After the frankly confusing success of the Trivium vid come the probably much less successful Bullet vid! Again this band suck, they basiclaly copy trivium, and who wants to copy that. Fanboys feel free to torrent me with complaints. And yeah, this one admittedly isn't my best. But even my worst is better than most of the other kinds of vids like these...
RT: @leofrias4 caraca, o vocal do Bullet For My Valentine é muito foda

bullet for my valentine or bring me the horizon???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

@ElkeLovesMusic bullet for my valentine !

:thumbup RT @faufaufa: #np bullet for my valentine-tears don't fall (acoustic)

#np bullet for my valentine-tears don't fall (acoustic)

#np Fever- bullet for my valentine

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